IT Operations

How AI is Revolutionizing IT operations and security
Juan H.
0 minute read
How AI is Revolutionizing IT operations and security

The increasing significance of AI in the IT sector is at a sort of “digital industrial revolution”, shaped by the rapid deployment and investment in generative AI tools across various industries. A 2023 McKinsey Global Survey highlights this trend, revealing that one-third of organizations are already utilizing generative AI regularly in at least one business function, with 40% planning to increase their AI investment. This marks a pivotal year for AI, as it expands from tech-centric discussions to boardroom agendas, signaling a transformative shift in the industry.

We wanted to have a first-hand conversation about AI in IT, which is why in this feature,  so we sat down with Carlos Yaconi, CEO of Prey, and Patricio Guzmán, Prey's Head of Data and Innovation, to uncover the growing role of AI in the IT sector. Their perspectives offer a unique look at how AI is shaping productivity, job roles, and security within the industry, providing a first-hand account of the challenges and opportunities presented by these technological advancements.

The transformative impact of AI in IT

The transformative impact of AI on the IT industry is evidenced by its rapid integration into business operations, enhancing human productivity through AI-driven process automation. According to a 2023 Industry Survey, companies are leveraging automation technologies like robotic process automation (RPA) and intelligent automation at an increasing rate, with a significant focus on enhancing digital footprints and innovation.


Moreover, the AI market is experiencing substantial growth, with the global AI market reaching $241.80 billion in 2023, and projections suggesting it could be worth $738 billion by 2030. This represents a compound annual growth rate of 36.2% from 2022, highlighting the untapped potential and expansive growth of AI across various industries.


Carlos Yaconi emphasizes the revolutionary role of AI in enhancing productivity across IT and various sectors. He notes, "AI is going to be a revolution, not only for the IT industry but for many others. Its main contribution will be to make people more productive...

With AI, people themselves will be able to do much more, driving innovation and the ability of companies to serve their customers." This perspective aligns with the observed trends in AI-driven automation, showcasing the positive impact on productivity and efficiency within organizations.

AI's Role in IT Jobs: Complement, Not Replacement


Patricio Guzmán's insights further illuminate AI's supportive role in IT, highlighting its capacity to transform rather than replace jobs. By automating routine tasks, AI empowers IT professionals to engage more deeply in strategic initiatives and innovation. This evolution presents an opportunity for growth and development within the IT sector, rather than a threat to employment.

Patricio articulates this perspective, noting, "AI is likely to transform certain IT roles rather than replace them completely... Automatizing tasks... but also creating new positions that require oversight of AI systems, algorithm development, and management of human-machine interaction." This reflection captures the essence of AI as a catalyst for advancement and efficiency in IT, fostering an environment where human intellect and machine intelligence coalesce to achieve greater outcomes.

Enhancing Human Roles

Looking towards the future, both leaders foresee a collaborative environment where AI and human intelligence converge to tackle more complex challenges. They envision a symbiotic relationship where AI's analytical prowess and humans' nuanced judgment and creative thinking create a dynamic, innovative environment.


Patricio Guzmán adds, "It's amazing how fast you can work with such an assistant by your side," highlighting the efficiency and new possibilities AI introduces to the workplace.


Carlos succinctly encapsulates this vision, stating, "With AI, people themselves will be able to do much more, driving innovation and the ability of companies to serve their customers." Reflecting a forward-looking perspective on how AI is not just enhancing current roles but is also pivotal in shaping the future trajectory of the IT industry, fostering a collaborative ethos that melds human creativity with machine intelligence for superior outcomes.

Creating New Opportunities

Carlos Yaconi and Patricio Guzmán both acknowledge the emergence of new job roles as a direct consequence of AI advancements. They argue that while AI automates repetitive tasks, it simultaneously generates demand for roles centered around AI supervision, algorithm development, and enhancing human-machine collaboration. This evolution reflects a shift towards more analytical, strategic, and creative occupations.


Carlos Yaconi echoes the sentiment of adaptability and continuous learning, particularly in the context of AI's integration into IT. He advises, "My main advice is to experiment and not be afraid to explore what AI can offer. It is important to understand its capabilities and limitations."


Patricio Guzmán emphasizes this need for adaptability, stating, "Adaptation and ongoing training will be key for IT professionals. What is certain is that IT professionals must leverage their work with current models yes or yes, otherwise they will not be able to be competitive."

AI in Enterprise Security and Device Management

Carlos Yaconi and Patricio Guzmán both highlight AI's ability to streamline the management of device fleets, facilitate quick, data-driven decision-making, and execute remote commands efficiently. This technological leap significantly enhances an organization's ability to respond to security threats and maintain operational integrity, marking a significant advancement in how enterprises approach security and device management.


Carlos elaborates on this transformative capability, stating, "AI can be a game changer in how enterprises handle security and device management. For example, with technologies like ours, AI simplifies interaction with device fleets, enabling remote commands to be performed and crucial information to be obtained quickly."

The Necessity of AI Implementation in Businesses

Carlos and pato firmly believe in the necessity of AI implementation for businesses to maintain a competitive edge in the market. Their insights suggest that integrating AI is not merely a technological upgrade but a strategic decision. By adopting AI, companies can enhance efficiency, foster innovation, and provide superior services. This strategic adoption of AI technologies allows businesses to leverage data-driven insights and automate processes, ensuring they are not only keeping pace with industry trends but also setting new benchmarks for success.


Yaconi highlights this sentiment, asserting, "Definitely, yes. AI is a powerful tool for improving productivity and efficiency. Although it still needs to be human-driven, its ability to process information and perform tasks automatically is invaluable."

The Challenges and Risks of AI in IT

Both Preynauts acknowledge the challenges and risks that accompany the adoption of AI in the IT industry, emphasizing the need to address irrational fears and ethical concerns. They highlight that while AI brings significant benefits, it also introduces concerns around privacy, security, and the potential for biased decision-making. The dialogue suggests a proactive approach to understanding these fears, advocating for transparency, responsible AI usage, and the development of ethical guidelines to navigate the complex dynamic that AI introduces to IT.


Carlos voices a specific concern about the dual challenge of overcoming unwarranted fear of AI while also rigorously protecting data privacy and security, saying, " One risk is the irrational fear of AI, which can impede its adoption and exploitation. It is also crucial to be careful about data privacy and security, as many AI systems operate outside the enterprise infrastructure."

Strategies for mitigating risks and ensuring data privacy

On mitigating these risks and ensuring data privacy, both leaders stress the importance of adopting robust governance frameworks, implementing advanced security protocols, and fostering a culture of ethical AI use within organizations. They argue that it's essential to maintain a balance between leveraging AI for its immense benefits and safeguarding against its potential drawbacks, especially in terms of privacy violations and data breaches.


Patricio adds to this by advocating for continuous education and ethical standards, "It is critical to address these issues through regulations, ethical AI development and digital skills training." Underlining the critical role of regulations, ethical AI development, and digital skills training in creating a secure and responsible AI ecosystem, ensuring that as AI technologies evolve, they do so in a way that respects privacy and promotes trust.

The Double-Edged Sword of AI Dependence

As we explore the intricacies of AI's role in IT, it's evident that while AI offers transformative potential, its integration into our industries requires judicious management. The insights of Carlos Yaconi and Patricio Guzmán illuminate a path forward where AI enhances, rather than eclipses, human capability.

Their advice demonstrates a future where technology serves as a powerful ally to human ingenuity. This delicate balance between embracing AI's possibilities and safeguarding our core human values and skills is encapsulated in Carlos's caution: "It is crucial to be careful with data privacy and security, as many AI systems operate outside the enterprise infrastructure. AI should be a complement, not a replacement, for our intelligence and expertise.”


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